avoid eating papaya

When it comes to papaya, who should avoid it?

When papaya isn't fully ripe, it secretes a latex fluid that can irritate and cause allergic reactions in some people. Meat tenderized using the enzyme papain may produce an allergic reaction in sensitive people because it behaves as an allergen.
The papaya tree is a compact, sparsely branching tree with spirally arranged leaves limited to the top of the trunk, usually with a single stem growing from 5 to 10 m tall. Where leaves and fruit were borne, the lower stem is visibly damaged. The leaves are large, with seven lobes and a diameter of 50–70 cm.

 They are deeply palmately lobed. Latex is found in all regions of the plant in articulated laticifers. Papayas have two sexes. The flowers are five-parted and highly dimorphic, with the stamens fused to the petals on the male blooms. 

A superior ovary and five twisted petals loosely linked at the base distinguish female flowers. Male and female flowers are produced in leaf axils, with male flowers being multiflowered dichasia and female flowers being few-flowered dichasia.

Carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, papain, organic acids, and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are all plentiful in papaya. Some nutrients in the body can be supplemented by eating papaya.
However, papaya is a chilly fruit, which means it lowers the internal temperature of our bodies. As a result, papaya should not be consumed by persons who have a cold in their stomach or who have a weak physique.

Papaya should not be consumed by pregnant or nursing mothers. Papaya includes papaya glycosides, according to modern medical studies. Papaya glycosides can produce uterine contractions, which are harmful to the fetus's stability and can even result in miscarriage.

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